Fall Field Trips
See You In Fall 2024!
- $12.00 Per Student, Parents & Siblings (Ages 2 and up)
- Staff Admitted Free with School ID
- A Reservation & 15 Person Minimum is Required
- A 30 Person Minimum is Required on Thursdays & Fridays
- A 60 Person Maximum Each Day per Time Slot
- Monday-Friday, Closed Tuesdays
- Not available on Homeschool Days
One School equals One time slot. Please split your group into multiple reservations if needed.

Value Days: September 25 - October 4, 2024! Save $2.00!
Fall Festival Field Trip
The Fall Festival Field Trip gives everyone the best of Anderson Farms! Guests will enjoy the Pumpkin Patch AND the Corn Maze with every Field Trip.
Please allow at least 2-3 hours for this Field Trip
Did you know…pumpkins are ready to pick in September and can stay fresh for months as long as the stem is attached, they are not carved and are stored in a cool dry space like a garage.
Reservations are required.
NEW - Self-Guided Field Trips
Available only on Wednesdays
New this year, Self-Guided Field Trips! Enjoy our wonderful Fall field trip experience at your own pace. Select your entrance time slot and once you have checked in at the field trip ticket window your group will go directly to one of our pumpkin wagons and go out to the pumpkin patch to pick your pumpkins. If you wish to skip the pumpkin patch ride we will have a selection of pumpkins at the exit gate for your group to choose from. There is NO class time scheduled for the self guided field trip groups. You are free to learn, explore and enjoy at your own pace!
Reservations are required.

Program Info - See You In 2024!
- All Staff admitted Free with current Staff ID (If making a reservation for a group homeschool, play group, etc., we will admit 1 adult free with 20 paid persons)
- All additional parents, siblings (2 & older) and chaperones must pay
- Monday – Wednesday minimum of 15 and maximum of 60 people
- Thursday – Friday minimum of 30 and maximum of 60 people
- The maximum will include all parents, siblings and staff. If your group is larger, please split your group into multiple reservations. There are 2 spots per time slot and you may use both of them for your group if available. One class = One school in our system
- We do NOT offer a Title I Discount. Please schedule a field trip during our Value Days for a discounted rate.
- The Barrel Train and Pedal Karts are NOT included with the cost of the field trip. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket booth for $1.00 per ride, per person.
- A wheelchair accessible wagon is available, please let us know in your reservation so we can have it ready.
Plan Your Trip
Part 1 - All Groups Do This First
Please Allow up to 75 minutes to complete this section.
These activities are scheduled so it is important to arrive on time.
- Classroom Presentation
- Wagon ride to the Pumpkin Patch (All students, teachers and paying parents and siblings will receive one free small pumpkin)
Part 2 - Once You Return from the Patch
When you return from the Pumpkin Patch, you may choose to do these activities in any order. If your time is limited, please prioritize your itinerary so that you can get through the activities that are important for you. Many activities are first come, first served.
- Explore the Corn Maze
- Visit the Farm Animals
- Playtime in Kiddie Korral Playground
- Play on the Combine Slide
- Jump on the Jump Pads
The Barrel Train and Pedal Karts are NOT included in your field trip admission. Tickets can be purchased for $1.00 per person per ride on the day of your visit.
Things to Keep in Mind
- Expect to spend about 2-3 hours on the farm per field trip.
- Kids should wear clothes that can get dirty & sturdy walking shoes.
- Mother Nature dictates the conditions at the farm, so please advise students to prepare accordingly.
- Lunch facilities are available, but you may bring in your own lunch or snack to enjoy while at the farm.
Please note that on busy days you may be assigned to the grassy area instead of a picnic shelter.