
Fall Festival Returns
September 25 - November 2, 2024

Opening Late July for U-Pick Sunflowers - Reservations Required

NOTE: For your convenience please use our map. Some mapping systems may get you lost. Car & cell phone GPS systems are not always reliable either.

From Boulder – Take the Longmont/Boulder Diagonal to Highway 52 and turn east. Go past Hwy 287, go past County Line Road, Turn north on County Road (CR) 3 ¼. Go ¾ mile and you are there!

From Longmont – South on Highway 287 to Highway 52. Turn east. Go past County Line Road. Turn north on County Road (CR) 3 ¼. Go ¾ mile and you are there!

From Denver – Go north on I-25, exit 235 on Hwy 52, approximately 12 miles north of 120th Avenue. Turn west on Hwy 52 and go approximately 2 1/2 miles. Turn north on County Road (CR) 3 ¼. Go ¾ mile and you are there!

From Northwest Denver – Go northwest on Hwy 36 (Denver to Boulder road). Exit at Broomfield and turn right at exit from freeway. You are now on Hwy 287. (An alternative is come north on Wadsworth which turns into Hwy. 287) Go north. Pass Baseline, pass Arapahoe, pass Lookout Road until you get to Hwy 52. Turn right or east. Go past County Line Road. Turn north on County Road (CR) 3 ¼. Go ¾ mile and you are there!

From Greeley/Ft. Collins/Loveland – Go south on I-25, exit 235 on Hwy 52. Turn west on Hwy 52 and go approximately 2-1/2 miles. Turn north on County Road (CR) 3 ¼. Go ¾ mile and you are there!

From Southeast Denver – Take E470 North to I-25. Go north to Hwy 52 (exit 235) and turn west.  Approximately 2-1/2 miles you will find County Road (CR) 3 ¼. Turn north. Go ¾ mile and you are there!

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